I am very excited and proud to announce that I was selected as one of Lessonface‘s Teachers of the Year! This whole period of time has been full of trial and error, but through it all, my experience on this platform has been nothing short of amazing. I am so fortunate to work with great students and alongside some fabulous musicians!

I’ve absolutely loved working with Lessonface. The team members that are in charge of managing the platform have become my loose acquaintances, and to have their support during a time when musicians lost much of their stability has been a godsend. In that same vein, I have been meaning to open up about how they provided me with an opportunity to practice quite a lot of different skills, especially when it comes to discovering how music works in tandem with technology. At a level unlike ever before, I have access to people from all over the world, providing voice lessons with little to no interruptions, and also can play with tools that help me to convey the more nuanced aspects of the vocal mechanism with ease. Now, if only they would sponsor me for my glowing recommendation!

As of today, I am working with singers spanning across 4 different continents, hosting socially distanced music-themed game nights, running masterclasses on topics such as stage presence, reading music notation, the basics of vocal anatomy, and much more.

Thank you, my readers, friends, and family for all of your support as well, and I look forward to continuing my exploration of music education in 2022!

If you or anyone is ever interested in learning more about taking lessons online, please feel free to check out the link below.